General Contractors Dedicated to Laboratory and Technical Facilities

According to USA OSHAPSM, potential harmfulness in working place can be classified into chemical hazard,biological hazard, and production environment hazard(physical).

化学性危害Chemical hazard通常以空气悬浮物的形式散步于空气中,可藉呼吸而吸入,长期积蓄体内导致慢性危害、或短时间超剂量而引起急性中毒。
mical substances, radioactive compounds, and oxygen deficiency.

生产环境危害(物理性)Production environment hazard (physical)大多以不同形式之能量或少量物质传播于环境中,而引起暴露于该工作环境的工作者或生产物质之危害。
particle or powders.

生物性危害Biological hazard是指任何有生命之物质会引起伤害或疾病之病原体,对人体产生感染、过敏、中毒等现象。
organic solvent, heavy metal, dust, volatile reagent, specific che: live animals, certain plants, and microbes including viruses and bacteria.